Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Middle School: A Time of Change

Middle school is often a turbulent time in a student’s life with the many changes that entry into adolescence brings. Not only are students changing physically, but they are also changing emotionally and spiritually.  Often this leads to a crisis in their lives, which will manifest itself here at school. The faculty and staff want you to know that we are here for you and your child(ren) if a crisis arises.  Your child should know that he/she may talk with any teacher, with me, or with Mr. Parris.  If boys would rather speak with a man, they can speak with Mr. Greenly, me, or Mr. Parris. If girls have a concern or issue for which they need to talk with an adult but do not feel comfortable talking to a man, any of our female teachers are more than willing and available to talk with them.

As the school year continues, your child may come home and share with you something that happened in a class or in school that gives you concern. If it has to do with a specific class, please call the teacher and share with him/her what your child has told you, so that the teacher can verify the information you have received. If it is something that has occurred in school in general, please contact me and I will investigate the concern. One of my former bosses once stated that “one’s perception is one’s reality.”  Often the perception our children have of what is going on in class or school is inaccurate, and the Scriptures indicate that we should have a spirit of discernment, slow to judge and quick to listen, as we approach life’s circumstances.

Next Monday marks the halfway point of the first trimester on the calendar. Students will be switching to new rotation classes 6th and 7th periods. In addition to new rotation classes, students will also be starting new electives unless the elective they chose for the first trimester was designated to be 12 weeks. Please also remember to check ParentsWeb to check on your child’s progress in his/her classes. If you have any questions about his/her grades, contact his/her teachers.

Below are some important upcoming dates:

October 16          CCS Chicken Barbecue
October 17          CCS Country Auction

Volunteers are still needed for both the chicken barbecue and the auction. If you have not signed up yet, we could use your help. Also please encourage your MS child(ren) to sign up to volunteer. You and your child(ren) can sign up to volunteer by going to the CCS website.

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