Thursday, April 16, 2015

Things Are Happening so Fast

Where has the year gone? We are almost half way through the third trimester and seven weeks away from the end of the year; yet there is much learning and many activities that will be packed into that time. Right now through Saturday, several of our middle school students are competing at the TSA state competition. Several of our middle school students are participating in track and several of our students are rehearsing for the CCS presentation of Narnia, The Musical.

This past week we held an interest meeting for a high school mission trip to the Dominican Republic next November. Present 8th-11th grade students were invited, and we had a significant number of 8th grade students at the meeting. An information packet was given to those students who attended the meeting.  If you have any questions or want further information about the trip, please contact Mr. Hepler

As often happens with the change of season into spring and approaching the end of a school year, students can lose their focus on academics. I encourage you to continue to check ParentsWeb regularly for your child’s grades as well as assignments. What your child is doing in class and when assignment are due can be found under “Lesson Plan” for each class.

Next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings, middle school students will be taking achievement tests. These tests provide us with valuable data which gives us feedback on the progress of students in learning and can be helpful in how we plan and implement instruction.

In the past middle school has had a theme week during the school year. This year we are having end-of-the-year enrichment activities for the middle school. Our teachers are busy planning, and more information will follow as we get closer to the end of the school year.

As you plan your schedule for the next two months, mark your calendar with the following events:

April 16, 21-23 - Achievement Testing
May 1 - Race for Education
May 6 - National Day of Prayer Chapel
May 14-16 - Narnia, The Musical
May 25 - Memorial Day
May 27-29 - Final Assessments for 8th Grade
May 29 - Evening of Science and Arts
June 1-4 - End-of-Year Activities
June 5 - Graduation

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